Student Campus Climate Survey

In fall 2014 the University of North Alabama (UNA) administered a Student Campus Climate Survey. The purpose of the survey was to provide UNA with critical information regarding our campus climate, campus resources, and experiences of our students. Based on the findings of the survey, the UNA Title IX Education and Prevention Advisory Board developed and implemented a series of recommendations.

Beginning in fall 2015, all freshman and transfer students were required to take a First-Year Experience (FYE) course that contained a mandatory Title IX/Bystander Intervention training. In addition to requiring the Title IX/Bystander Intervention training in all FYE courses, the training was also made available on request to all campus entities (e.g., registered student organizations). The Title IX portion of the training included information about Title IX policies and procedures regarding incidents of power-based violence (e.g. what is power-based violence, how to report an incident, con dential resources, procedures for investigating). The Bystander Intervention portion of the training included information about how to engage in active bystander behaviors, specifically behaviors that would prevent power-based violence in risky situations.

In fall 2016, UNA administered a second Student Campus Climate Survey to examine the impact of the Title IX/ Bystander Intervention trainings on campus climate. You can access the most recent data here: 2016-2017 Student Campus Climate Survey.